Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Key of Opportunity!!

Appriciate what we have is what we really need to do.
In order to appriciate things, we need opportunity and it does not come on it own. Opportunity either come by fate or we seek for it. When our luck is there, then we can easily have it.

When we do not have the opportunity, then we have to seek for it.
It is just like a key. To open a door, we need key. Where to find it? We need to search for it.

The door of mine is shut closely, luckily the door has a hole and it is a shape of a key. Although I know the shape but I need to search for the key.

At least I know what key I need now and how it look like. I need to do now is keep searching and don't easily get frustrated like before.

My goal primary goal NOW is to search the Key of Opportunity. Eventhough I do not know what is behind the door. But, if I do not open this door, I will forever stay behind this door!

I know there is alway another door in other side, but that is not what I want. If I manage to open the door that I want, I will appriciate what I have, because my effort is there to open the door I want!!

Key of Opportunity!! I am coming because I sense where you are!!